Living Joyfully with T1D - From Someone Who’s Been There
Hello, and welcome!
For those of you who don’t know, me I’m Anna. You can read more about me here. There are so many day to day diabetes experiences, and I wanted to share a few tips and thoughts here. I’ve never hosted my own personal blog before, just written a whole bunch for other organizations like Beyond type 1, T1D Exchange, and Healthline, and more. Thanks for joining me!
Accepting Anxiety…
Accepting that anxiety is just part of having diabetes is hard. AND until we can process it all, we often fight it. It is part of who we are.
When kids with diabetes sneak food and what to do about it…
Halloween is upon us…..then comes all the other chocolatey type holidays after that, until basically May. How do we deal with it all? So many opportunities for eating and overeating….
Newsflash…I snuck food as a kid.
The Overwhelm of the Override…
But what if it’s off? What if I go low? Is it that it is easy to just “blame” the pump’s calculation? Or is actually looking at the number the pump wants to give us really just more of a surprise? It’s really though, just about trust.
Does your diabetes have a team captain?
Do you feel like you are the team captain of your diabetes? Feel confident in communicating your role to others?
Six Signs its time to “go pro”
You know you need help. Or someone in your family does, with diabetes beyond the numbers. How do you know? Now what?
How to acknowledge your T1Ds feelings…
Desperate to figure out what they actually ate at lunch because you’re like “how the heck did the blood sugar randomly get to 350 an hour after recess?”
Home for the holidays…
The last thing a teen or young adult wants around the holidays is to be nagged….check out the tips on how to work through being “home for the holidays.”
T1D GIFT GUIDE! (Anna’s Picks)
Gadgets and Gizmos a plenty….but something else might help make their lives with T1D just a bit more fun! Check out my TOP TEN T1D GIFT GUIDE!
Top Ten Turkey Day Tips with T1D in Mind…
I like to follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time let’s shoot for time in range, pre bolusing and all the “shoulds” that we strive for with T1D day to day management, and then give yourself grace for that 20%. I would definitely recommend telling yourself that Thanksgiving is one of those days that is part of that 20%.
Some Frequently Asked?s…
Coaching is like therapy in that sense. It is an investment in your health and well-being, your future.
My Omnipod 5 Experience so far…
Some love it, others quickly switched back to a different system. I hung on….and I’m glad I did.
When I started caring about my diabetes…
There is no right or wrong “when” or magical age to start caring about your diabetes, it just has to be driven by the person with T1D…
How to remove fault and blame for parents of t1ds…
How can parents ever turn off their sense of fear and guilt?
Eye See You…Stress Tips and More…
Stress is invisible. And often the reason our kids blood sugars can be out of range…
Top 5 ways for parents to keep your cool with diabetes this summer
Acknowledging your kid/teens strengths before you jump to any conclusions is KEY!
Thinking about diabetes camp? All registered? Be ready for camp…starting now
Sending me to camp was hands down the best thing my parents did for me.
The support I wish my family had.
The mental load of managing it without a break is constant. But we do it.